![]() For Mickey Gomez's birthday this year, she decided to support the Women's Giving Circle through a Facebook Fundraiser. A former WGC Advisory Board member, Mickey has been a long-time supporter, but she chose to use this fast, easy, and effective Facebook Birthday Fundraiser as an opportunity to not only support the WGC, but to also elevate her support for the community during the COVID-19 crisis. "For my birthday this year, I'd like to ask you to support a cause that's near and dear to my heart: the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County ... a great organization that I’m proud to be a part of," said Mickey. In a short period of time, Mickey raised $1,311, after changing her goal amount three times. "I knew I couldn't give that amount on my own, as much as I wanted to" said Mickey. "I loved the opportunity to give collectively, raise awareness, and leverage funding for such a remarkable, responsive, visionary local organization ... together we are stronger." Thank you Mickey, for your thoughtful creativity in supporting the WGC and our community during this COVID-19 crisis - we truly are stronger together!
The WGC is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow - a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 in addition to the regularly scheduled Dec 1, 2020 #GivingTuesday – as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
We have three ways to give on #GivingTuesdayNow: 1. We have established the WGC COVID-19 Fund where donors can double the impact of your gifts through the generosity of Cyndi and Ron Gula, who are matching donations dollar for dollar up to $25,000 to address unprecedented COVID-19 community needs. These donations will go directly to support our Howard County nonprofit and community partners through our HoCoRespond funding partnership with the Community Foundation of Howard County, United Way of Central Maryland and Horizon Foundation. 2. You can support the recent WGC Emergency Response Network requests we've sent:
3. You can support all of our Emergency Response Network partners by donating to the WGC Emergency Response Network COVID-19 Showcase Fund that will be split among each WGC ERN nonprofit partner and sent directly to them. There are many ways to help! WGC donors and members of the community are invited to donate to the WGC on this global - and local - day of giving. Please join us! ![]() The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County has given over $28,000 to nonprofit and community partners on the frontline of responding to the COVID-19 urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities in Howard County. The WGC has organized four successful Emergency Response Network requests that have allowed us to give this support to our partners at the Community Action Council's Howard County Food Bank, Columbia Community Care, and the Howard County Teen Parenting Program. Thank you to all of you who have donated to our ERN requests! Your support is fueling our collective effort to be there for our community.
The WGC's Emergency Response Network was created over 15 years ago and is typically utilized for donations up to $1,000 to help an individual in need through our nonprofit partners. However, to address the escalating and unprecedented coronavirus public health crisis, we broadened the scope of our grantmaking. "We made the swift decision to broaden the scope of our grantmaking at this critical time in order to be as responsive as possible to growing community needs" said Alice Giles, Chair of the WGC's Grants Committee. "We will continue to leverage the strength of our Emergency Response Network to learn of and highlight needs, accept donations, and provide emergency funding to our nonprofit and community partners right away." ![]() April 2020 WGC Donors and Friends, We hope that you and your family are staying safe and healthy during this very challenging time for our country right now. Our hearts go out to all those impacted by COVID-19. We are truly in unprecedented times. As we try to adjust to the new daily realities for ourselves and our families during this public health crisis, it is heartening to see funders come together to harness the power of philanthropy to make a difference in our communities. READ THE FULL ENEWSLETTER HERE To do this, we are leveraging the things that make the WGC an empowering way to give, and using our unique strengths to make a difference. We have focused on communicating regularly, being nimble and flexible, broadening our grantmaking scope, collaborating with other funders, seeking information and resources from trusted partners, and leveraging our large network of donors to have a greater impact together than we might otherwise have alone - all hallmarks of the strength and draw of giving circles. In the last six weeks, between our Emergency Response Network and our HoCoRespond partnership, we have given over $56,000 to nonprofits on the frontline of responding to the urgent needs of disproportionately impacted communities in Howard County. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your generosity in so many ways, and specifically those of you who have donated to the WGC to support our community during this unprecedented COVID-19 crisis! We are also collaborating locally with the Community Foundation of Howard County, Horizon Foundation, and United Way of Central Maryland to assess where assistance may be needed, accept donations, and provide funding to assist Howard County nonprofits on the frontline of support, focusing on assisting with food security, housing, childcare and healthcare - through the newly launched HoCoRespond.com. Last week we jointly announced $205,000 in grants to Howard County nonprofits and next week we will announce a second round of grants, as we continue to accept donations to continue our joint funding in the community. And, we are coordinating with funders across the state by participating in weekly calls through our statewide Maryland Philanthropy Network (formerly the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers-ABAG) to learn what our colleagues are doing, and share information. Finally, we are in contact with Philanos (formerly Catalist Women), our national network of women's giving circles across the country regarding philanthropy's important role during this challenging time. For those who wish to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic right now through the WGC:
We will continue to provide opportunities to give directly to our nonprofit and community partners through the WGC's Emergency Response Network and the WGC's COVID-19 Response Fund. And, on Tuesday, May 5, we'll be participating in #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving to support our community during this challenging time - I hope you'll join us! Thank you - we can have a greater impact together than we might otherwise have alone. Stay strong, stay healthy! Sincerely, Barb Van Winkle WGC Chair If you have any questions about the Women's Giving Circle, our Emergency Response Network, or HoCoRespond.com, please contact WGC Executive Director, Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz at [email protected] or myself at [email protected]. ![]() The WGC's Young Women's Giving Circle of Howard County will complete their 2019/2020 Journey virtually this week - what a year! They started the year in September with twenty young women in 7th - 12th grade participating in the 2019/2020 class, who share the same passion: helping women and girls in need. They met monthly to learn about each other, learn about the community, and determine a joint philanthropic project for the year. Through a Shark Tank-like presentation effort with community judges, the girls decided to organize a Feminine Hygiene Product collection effort from January - March 2020. They decorated collection boxes and engaged over 20 local businesses and our Howard County Library System to serve as collection sites. And, they ran a fundraising campaign to purchase additional products. The result? They learned about philanthropy, giving circles and collective giving, and organized lots of product and monetary donations to support women and girls in Howard County! The YWGC Feminine Product Drive ended in March and boxes around the county continue to be stuffed full of donations. Given the challenges of picking up products due to COVID-19 related closings and restrictions, the YWGC is waiting to collect many of the product donations from our collection partners until it is safe to do so. The YWGC was able to donate some of the products that the YWGC was storing to the Community Action Council to distribute to those in need. And, the YWGC also donated $1,500 to the community. They raised $1,006, which the WGC supported with an additional $500. While the YWGC is waiting until it is safe to pick up and distribute the donated products, in order to assist during this challenging COVID-19 time, WGC/YWGC has used these funds to provide HopeWorks with a check for $750 and the Community Action Council with a check for $750 to purchase feminine products to distribute to those in need now, and we are continuing to accept donations. We want to thank all of the organizations and businesses that have generously been serving as collection sites for the YWGC's Feminine Product Drive! "The power of collective giving helping people in our very own community was the focus of the girl's philanthropic efforts this past year" said Lee Draminski and April Force Pardoe, WGC Advisory Board members and leaders of the YWGC. "We are so proud of the learning and growth the girls experienced this year, and the measurable results they have seen from their efforts." We aren't yet sure about our plans for the 2020/2021 YWGC class due to COVID-19 concerns, but we will inform the community once plans are finalized. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to the collective impact we will make together in Howard County in the years to come, and specifically in the lives of hundreds of women and girls. “We are so proud of these young philanthropists who are committing themselves to learn more about the community and raising money to fund programs that are meaningful to them” said Barb Van Winkle, WGC Advisory Board Chair. ![]() The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County (WGC) has given over $56,000 to nonprofits on the frontline of responding to the COVID-19 urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities in Howard County. In addition to $60,000 in grantmaking earmarked in 2020 for programs that benefit women and girls, the WGC is responding to emergency needs in our community through our long-established Emergency Response Network (ERN) and by partnering with our local funding community to rapidly raise and deploy critical resources to nonprofits focused on assisting with food security, housing, childcare and healthcare. The WGC's Emergency Response Network was created over 15 years ago and is typically utilized for donations up to $1,000 to help an individual in need through our nonprofit partners. However, to address the escalating and unprecedented coronavirus public health crisis, we broadened the scope of our grantmaking. "We made the swift decision to broaden the scope of our grantmaking at this critical time in order to be as responsive as possible to growing community needs" said Alice Giles, Chair of the WGC's Grants Committee. "We will continue to leverage the strength of our Emergency Response Network to learn of and highlight needs, accept donations, and provide emergency funding to our nonprofit partners right away." The WGC has organized four successful ERN requests that have allowed us to give over $23,000 in support to the community so far to address COVID-19.
And, the WGC’s Young Women's Giving Circle, made up of girls in grades 7-12, supported the community through their Spring Feminine Product Drive. They collected products all over the county for two months, and raised $1,500 which they immediately gave to the Community Action Council and Hope Works for women and girls in need during this challenging time. “We are able to invest in our community quickly because of the support of so many who are looking to make a measurable difference for women and their families right away” said Barb Van Winkle, chair of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. "We will continue to leverage our unique strengths as a giving circle to have a bigger impact together than we might otherwise have alone." Additionally, in March 2020 the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County partnered with the Community Foundation of Howard County, Horizon Foundation, and United Way of Central Maryland to establish HoCoRespond.com to support Howard County nonprofits on the frontline of support, focusing on assisting with food security, housing, childcare and healthcare. An initial $100,000 fundraising goal has been met and exceeded and $205,000 in grant awards have been made for the first round of funding from HoCoRespond COVID-19 Emergency Funds. Find the list of grantee partners here. The application process for the second round of emergency grants opened on Monday, April 20 and applications are due on Friday, April 24, 2020. Nonprofits can apply here. HoCoRespond has also launched its second fundraising challenge, with a goal of raising $200,000 in five days. As part of HoCoRespond, the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County has established the WGC COVID-19 Fund, looking to add additional funds to the $32,000 WGC has already contributed to HoCoRespond. Donors can double the impact of their gifts through the generosity of Cyndi and Ron Gula, who are matching donations dollar for dollar up to $25,000 to address unprecedented COVID-19 community needs. Additionally, the WGC is taking part in #GivingTuesdayNow on May 5 and inviting donations on this global day of giving and unity that is an emergency response to COVID-19. “We know the needs are continuing to grow, and we will continue to leverage the strength of our partnerships with our donors and funding community partners to support nonprofits with emergency funding in these challenging times” said Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, executive director of the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County. “We are in this together, and working in partnership, we will get through this together.” ## The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County is building a community of philanthropists and creating a permanent legacy to address the needs of women and girls in Howard County, Maryland. We bring women together to learn about issues impacting our community, and we pool our dollars to fund programs that address women and girls. The WGC is a fund of the Community Foundation of Howard County. www.womensgivingcircle.org HoCoRespond Launches Second Fundraising Challenge Goal of $200,000, |
The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County is raising critical resources to give to nonprofits on the frontlines of responding to the COVID-19 urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities in Howard County.
To meet the unprecedented need, WGC has broadened the scope of our grantmaking and Emergency Response Network at this critical time to stay nimble and flexible in order to be as responsive as possible to growing community needs. WGC is funding nonprofit partners that are focused on basic needs: child care, food, housing, health care and mental health services, as well as our local health care system and frontline health care workers. “We know the needs are great, and we are proud to be part of a community of donors and funders that are stepping up to show support in these trying times” said Barb Van Winkle, chair of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. “We are in this together, will support women, girls and their families together, and will get through this unprecedented crisis, together." |
The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County is raising funds to support families in need in Howard County that are being served by a grassroots effort called Columbia Community Care.
To date we've purchased and delivered over $6,500 worth of food and diapers to support our friends and neighbors through CCC. All donations will continue to go directly to this effort. Columbia Community Care is a grassroots effort that has been assisting members of our community the last several weeks with emergency food and other basic needs items. They have quickly established a volunteer base that is adhering to COVID-19 safety procedures, and have set up tables in several outdoor locations for families to donate or pick-up items. They are receiving many donations and are running out of food and other basic needs items by the end of the day. Can you help? Any amount is appreciated, thank you! |

The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County is one of four local philanthropies that established HoCoRespond.com and set a goal of raising $100,000 in 10 days to support Howard County nonprofits with emergency funds in response to the COVID-19 crisis. The goal has been exceeded and $100,000 in emergency funds are now available to support nonprofits on the frontline of support assisting with food security, housing, childcare and healthcare.
The opportunity for Howard County nonprofits to apply for this first round of funding will begin on Monday, April 6, 2020. Organizations must apply by midnight on Friday, April 10.
The Community Foundation of Howard County, Horizon Foundation, United Way of Central Maryland and Women's Giving Circle of Howard County are working together to assess where assistance may be needed, provide funding, and accept donations.
“Howard County Funders are coordinating to raise and deploy critical resources to nonprofits on the frontlines of responding to the urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities in Howard County” said Beverly White-Seals, president and CEO of the Community Foundation of Howard County. “We are here to support our community.”
Organizations should be 501(c)3 nonprofits providing services in and to Howard County Maryland residents.
“Nonprofits that meet the basic needs of Howard County residents are eligible for operating support, including those that provide child care, food, housing, health care and mental health services, as well as those that support our local health care system and frontline health care workers,” said Franklyn Baker, president and CEO of United Way of Central Maryland.
HoCoRespond.com is continuing to accept donations and will soon announce a second round of funding for Howard County nonprofits. Those looking to help can donate to the following emergency funds supporting nonprofits that are assisting community members affected by COVID-19:
- The Community Foundation of Howard County has its established Howard County Community Relief Fund to address ongoing emergencies in Howard County. Members of the community and fund holders at the foundation are invited to donate.
- The United Way of Central Maryland has established the COVID-19 Community Fund for Central Maryland to support the community, and in particular, support those who operate on the frontlines of providing help and resources to those in need. Community members are invited to donate.
- The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County has its long-established Emergency Response Network (ERN) for donors to support specific needs in the community that the WGC will match in the coming weeks and months ahead.
The Howard County funding community is working together to ensure that each fund has maximum reach and effectiveness, and are urging donors and the community at large to look for opportunities to support the critical needs of nonprofits they wish to help.
“We will continue exploring the path forward in providing relief to our community and look forward to leveraging our strengths and working with others to make a bigger difference together than we might otherwise make alone” said WGC Chair Barb Van Winkle.
As Howard County works to respond to the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, these organizations will continue to collaborate to assist community stakeholders, business leaders and public sector leaders to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive response.
"These are unprecedented times, and we are grateful for both our nonprofit community coming together to provide critical support, and for donors stepping up to respond” said Nikki Highsmith Vernick, president and CEO of the Horizon Foundation. “This is Howard County at its best."

As we try to adjust to the new daily realities for ourselves and our families during this public health crisis, it is heartening to see funders come together to harness the power of philanthropy to make a difference in our communities.
The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County, Maryland is not alone in wanting to do the most good by leveraging the things that make our circle an empowering way to give. Giving circles all over the country are using their unique strengths to make a difference.
We have focused on communicating regularly, being nimble and flexible, broadening our grantmaking scope, collaborating with other funders, seeking information and resources from trusted partners, and leveraging our large network of donors to have a greater impact together than we might otherwise have alone - all hallmarks of the strength and draw of giving circles.
Here are ten ways the WGC is utilizing our strengths to respond to COVID-19. We:
- Quickly planned with our Advisory Board to communicate with our donors, nonprofit partners, and the community that we were taking this public health crisis seriously, canceling events, and continuing our work remotely.
- Decided to set aside additional funds to focus on our nonprofit partners and the broader community in the coming weeks and months.
- Determined we would broaden the scope of our grantmaking and Emergency Response Network at this critical time to stay nimble and flexible in order to be as responsive as possible to growing community needs.
- Focused on leveraging the strength of our Emergency Response Network to learn of and highlight needs, accept donations, and provide funding quickly.
- Engaged our Young Women's Giving Circle to support our nonprofit partners through their Spring Feminine Product Drive.
- Committed to regular communication, transparency and amplifying our collective voice – among our leadership, donors, prospective donors, funder and nonprofit partners, the media, and the broader community, through both traditional and social media.
- Joined forces with local funding community partners – The Community Foundation of Howard County, Horizon Foundation, and United Way of Central Maryland - to rapidly raise funds and deploy critical resources to nonprofits in Howard County through the newly created HoCoRespond.com - with the initial goal of raising at least $100,000 by early April and giving grants by mid-April.
- Prioritized connecting regularly with our statewide funding community through our regional association of grantmakers, Maryland Philanthropy Network, to learn and share together.
- Looked to regularly connect with national funding resources focused on the coronavirus, including our collective giving partners at Philanos and Philanthropy Together, and our national regional association partner United Philanthropy Forum and the Council on Foundations.
- Have chosen to participate in #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of giving and unity, set to take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
The WGC is building a community of philanthropists and creating a permanent legacy to address the needs of women and girls in Howard County, Maryland. We bring women together to learn about issues impacting our community, and pool our dollars to fund programs that address those issues. We’ve been part of the Howard County community for 19 years, have raised over $1 million to support our efforts from over 1,000 donors, and have given over $500,000 through over 100 grants to nonprofits that support women and girls in our community.
We continue all of this work today, and we’ve done it together – as a giving circle.
“We will continue exploring the path forward in providing relief to our community and look forward to leveraging our strengths as a giving circle and working with others to make a bigger difference together than we might otherwise make alone” said WGC Chair Barb Van Winkle.
“We are all in this together.”
Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz is the Executive Director of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County, Maryland. The WGC is a fund of the Community Foundation of Howard County, Maryland. You can reach her at [email protected] and www.wgchowardcounty.org

Her Mind Magazine
By Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Executive Director, Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County
It goes without saying that it is a very challenging time for many of us right now.
As we try to adjust to the new daily realities for ourselves and our families during the unprecedented coronavirus public health crisis, it is heartening to see Howard County come together to harness the power of philanthropy to make a difference in our community.
The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County (WGC) is proud to be coordinating with other funders to rapidly raise funds and deploy critical resources to nonprofits in Howard County through HoCoRespond.com, with the goal of raising $100,000 by early April.
We are working closely with the Community Foundation of Howard County, Horizon Foundation, and United Way of Central Maryland to assess where assistance may be needed, accept donations and provide funding to nonprofits on
the frontline of support, focusing on food security, housing, childcare and healthcare. And, we are coordinating with peers in philanthropy, government and business to respond to the urgent health and economic needs of disproportionately impacted communities in Howard County.
Nonprofits that meet the basic needs of Howard County residents will be able to apply for operating support in early April.
The WGC has been building a community of philanthropists and creating a permanent legacy to address the needs of women and girls in Howard County for the last 19 years. We bring women together to learn about issues impacting our community and pool our dollars to fund programs that address those issues.
We will continue to explore the path forward in providing relief to our community and look forward to working with others to make a bigger difference together than we might otherwise make alone.
Won’t you join us?
We are all in this together.
The latest news, information, and opinion from the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County, MD.
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