![]() The Women’s Giving Circle is proud to bring together people with common interests to learn about issues impacting our community and effective philanthropy. Our pooled funds allow us to collectively make larger grants together that will improve the lives of women and girls in Howard County. How are we doing this? We give grants to nonprofits in Howard County that focus on our mission. We raise money from donors to support our grantmaking and we have an endowment so that we will have money in perpetuity to fund programs that benefit women and girls. And, we host events and programs to engage donors and raise money to support our grantmaking. We’ve been part of the Howard County community for over 15 years, have raised over $1 million to support our efforts from over 1,000 donors, and have given grants to over 100 nonprofits that support women and girls in our community. And we do all this together – as a Giving Circle. It takes all of us investing our time, talent, and financial resources in various ways to ensure we are having an impact. We hope you will continue to be involved, or decide to get involved – there’s lots of ways! In fact, here’s a few upcoming opportunities, that you can read more about below:
Don’t hesitate to contact me or anyone on the WGC Advisory Board with any questions. Thank you for your partnership and support! Sincerely, Alison Canning, WGC Chair [email protected]
![]() Dear WGC Donor and Friends, Today, April 10 is Equal Pay Day. That means women had to work all of 2017 and until this day in 2018 to catch up with what men earned in 2017 alone. We care about this because one of the goals of the WGC is to raise the awareness of gender disparities in our community. As I walk through my personal and professional travels each day, women who don’t know us ask me what the WGC is and what we are trying to do. My answer is our mission: the Women’s Giving Circle is building a community of philanthropists and creating a permanent legacy to address the needs of women and girls in Howard County. The next question naturally is how we are doing this, which gives me an opportunity to discuss our goals and accomplishments, which you can read more about here. What is perhaps the most important question that often follows is why … why are women partnering to support programs that benefit women and girls? My answer is comprehensive, which you can read here, but in a nutshell, because programs for women and girls have historically been underfunded, and philanthropy and social change needs to continue to more fully recognize and include women’s voices in order to spark greater investment in issues affecting women and girls in our community, including issues like equal pay. When I’m done answering these questions, I always have one of my own … “so, do you want to get involved?” I hope many of you do. In fact, one easy way you can get involved today is to help spread the word about ourJourney Camp for Girls. Journey is a week-long summer leadership camp for girls entering 7th, 8th and 9th grade, in partnership with Maryland Leadership Workshop. You can read more about it below, and on our website here. Here are 3 ways you can help – please:
Thanks for your help with securing another wonderful Journey Camp class! READ THE APRIL 2018 ENEWSLETTER HERE Please know I’m always here to answer your questions about the WGC and to help you determine the best way to get involved in whatever way is meaningful for you. Don’t hesitate to contact me or anyone on the WGC Advisory Board at any time. Thank you for your partnership and support! Sincerely, Alison Canning, WGC Chair [email protected] ![]() Dear WGC Donor and Friends, We’ve had a busy month! As we celebrate National Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we’ve had the opportunity to gather at last week’s wonderful WGC Happy Hour, and fund and host over 600 girls yesterday at Girl Power! 2018 in partnership with JHU Applied Physics Lab and the Maryland Space Roundtable. And, we are partnering again with Maryland Leadership Workshop to provide the Journey Camp for Girls this summer. I am pleased to announce that we are also partnering with our donors to provide scholarships to Journey in memory of beloved former WGC Board Member, Cindy Hankin. Cindy was a staunch supporter of the Journey Camp for Girls. A former teacher, Cindy was beloved by her family, friends, students, and community and served as mentor, and long-time advocate for women and girls. Cindy brought a bright and wonderful spirit to the world, enriching it for all who knew her. The Women’s Giving Circle is honored to provide our Journey Scholarships in Memory of Cindy Hankin to qualifying Journey Camp applicants. Funded by Cindy’s family and friends, and WGC donors, these scholarships are provided in Cindy’s memory in perpetuity. We value these partnerships – with our donors, our community partners, and our grantees. They are key to the WGC’s mission of building a community of philanthropists and creating a permanent legacy to address the needs of women and girls in Howard County. Speaking of permanent legacy, check out the information below regarding a new opportunity to give to the WGC – the Endow Maryland Tax Credit. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS MONTH’S WGC ENEWSLETTER! Thanks very much for your partnership and support! Sincerely, Alison Canning, WGC Chair ![]() Dear WGC Donor and Friends, In 2002, a group of sixteen women decided to start the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. Now fifteen years later, with over 1,000 individual donors, and over $1 million in donations, the WGC has become a wonderful community of women with a shared purpose: to improve lives of women and girls through collective giving and grassroots action. Together, we have inspired each other to learn about the needs in the community, and have invested more than $300,000 in local community organizations that address the needs and improve the lives of women and girls. Click here to view this month’s eNewsletter in full The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County, one of the oldest giving circles in the country, is proud to celebrate the accomplishments that we have achieved together over the past 15 years, and we are looking toward fulfilling larger goals in the future. I hope you will take a look at what we’ve accomplished this past year and think about how you would like to get involved in 2018. Learn more. We’ll have lots of opportunities this year, including our upcoming WGC Happy Hour at Seasons 52 on Tuesday, March 6 from 5:00 – 7:00. You can register here – I hope to see you there! Thanks very much for your support. Together we are having on impact on women and girls in our county, our home. Sincerely, Alison Canning, WGC Chair WGC had a great 2017 and are looking forward to an impactful 2018, together. So much good work, so many reasons to give. Take a look at what we’ve accomplished this past year. Thanks to all our donors for your support!
In 2002, a group of sixteen women decided to start the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. Now fifteen years later, with over 1,000 individual donors, and over $1 million in donations, the WGC has become a wonderful community of women with a shared purpose: to improve lives of women and girls through collective giving and grassroots action. Together, we have inspired each other to learn about the needs in the community, and have invested more than $300,000 in local community organizations that address the needs and improve the lives of women and girls. The Women’s Giving Circle, one of the oldest giving circles in the country, is proud to celebrate the accomplishments that we have achieved together over the past 15 years, and we are looking toward fulfilling larger goals in the future! |