![]() May 2020 WGC Donors and Friends, We hope that you and your family are staying safe and healthy during this very challenging time for our country. As we continue to adjust to the new daily realities for ourselves and our families during the COVID-19 crisis, it is heartening to see our community come together and harness the power of philanthropy to support our friends and neighbors. Every day the WGC is leveraging the things that make our giving circle an empowering way to give, and using our unique strengths to make a difference. READ THE FULL ENEWSLETTER HERE I thank you for your generosity in so many ways, and in particular those who have donated to the WGC to support our community during the COVID-19 crisis. We will continue to provide opportunities to give directly to our nonprofit and community partners through the WGC's Emergency Response Network and the WGC's COVID-19 Response Fund. We truly can have a greater impact together than we might otherwise have alone. Stay strong, stay healthy! Sincerely, Barb Van Winkle WGC Chair If you have any questions about the Women's Giving Circle, our Emergency Response Network, or HoCoRespond.com, please contact WGC Executive Director, Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz at [email protected] or myself at [email protected].
![]() The WGC is proud to continue our support for Black Philanthropy Month 2020! Black Philanthropy Month (BPM), observed every August, is a global celebration and concerted campaign to elevate African-descent giving. The primary aims of BPM are informing, involving, inspiring and investing in Black philanthropic leadership to strengthen African-American and African-descent giving in all its forms, for the benefit of our planet, our communities, our organizations and our lives. "We are excited to continue our support of National Black Philanthropy Month" said Hina Naseem and Judy Smith, co-Chairs of WGC's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. "Informing, involving, inspiring and investing in Black philanthropic leadership are among the goals of this annual celebration and we are committed to advancing this important work in philanthropy, both in our community and across the country." Since it was established, BPM has reached roughly 17 million people and become an increasingly year-round, diasporic initiative that illuminates the ingenuity and transformative impact of generosity in Black communities. "The Women's Giving Circle of Howard County is among the first giving circles to support Black Philanthropy Month by becoming a sponsor" said BPM Co-Architect Valaida Fullwood, who founded a giving circle in North Carolina. "The WGC's continued support as a BPM Sponsor is helping to lead the way nationally for giving circles to promote and invest in black philanthropic leadership during August and year-round." Expanding and evolving each year, Black Philanthropy Month is characterized by a wave of high-impact events, media stories, proclamations and service projects online and in communities throughout August, with local and global dimensions. "We are very proud to continue our support for Black Philanthropy Month" said Barb Van Winkle, Chair of the Women's Giving Circle. "We look forward to promoting BPM's important work and participating in a variety of ways." Stay tuned for more information about Black Philanthropy Month, and how the WGC will continue to participate! WGC's Emergency Response Network Raised $1,000 to Help a Woman in Need in our Community - Thank You!5/21/2020
![]() May 21, 2020 Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Executive Director of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County For Her Mind Magazine In March 2020 the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County received an emergency request from our partners at the Community Action Council (CAC) for $5,000 to help Head Start families in need due to the COVID-19 crisis. Thanks to the generosity of so many women in our community, we raised significantly more than the $5,000 originally requested through our Emergency Response Network and provided CAC with $20,000 in emergency COVID-19 funding. Women understand the value in collective giving, and having more of an impact together than we might otherwise have alone through our Emergency Response Network. “Once again, the women of our community have risen together to lead and offer real and in the moment solutions to a challenge faced by many of Howard County residents” said Bita Dayhoff, president of the Community Action Council, which runs the Howard County Food Bank. “The significant financial support from the Women’s Giving Circle laid the ground for us to establish Pop-Up pantries which have become a sustained source of food to thousands Howard County residents.” The Community Action Council has seen a significant increase in demand for their services, with over 50% of those seeking assistance from the Food Bank being new clients. Over the last six weeks the CAC has served more than 12,000 individuals through regular Food Bank services and Pop-ups pantries in a number of communities, and they have delivered food to many families in need. The WGC’s Emergency Response Network was created over 15 years ago and is typically utilized for donations up to $1,000 to help an individual in need through our nonprofit partners. However, to address the escalating coronavirus public health crisis, we recently extended the scope of the ERN for a period of time to assist broader needs and more people in our community. And, we’ve partnered with the Community Foundation of Howard County, Horizon Foundation, and United Way of Central Maryland to create HoCoRespond.com, which has given over $400,000 to Howard County nonprofits in emergency COVID-19 funding to date, including the Community Action Council. “We are proud to be part of a community that is stepping up to support our friends and neighbors during this global pandemic” said Barb Van Winkle, chair of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. “We are utilizing our unique strengths as a giving circle to make a bigger difference together through the Emergency Response Network than we might otherwise make alone.” Those wanting to learn more about the WGC’s Emergency Response Network, or support the Community Action Council can find more information at: www.womensgivingcircle.org The WGC's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee had a great Virtual Meet & Greet this week!
DEI Committee Co-Chair, Hina Naseem remarked: "The WDC DEI Committee held its initial meeting to lay out committee goals and objectives. These wonderful women shared their insight and expertise to pave the way towards effective and necessary change. With momentum in place, co-chair Judy Smith and I, along with the WGC Advisory Board, are eager to work with this panel of women who bring experience, positivity and enthusiasm to make a lasting difference in the ever-changing landscape that is Howard County." Thanks to all those who attended our Meet & Greet! We are looking forward to continuing our work with so much experience and wisdom helping to guide our efforts. Looking for a gift this Mother's Day?
Consider giving a gift to the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County, "In Her Honor". Giving a gift that supports women and girls is a way to celebrate and honor the women and girls in your life and/or memorialize a lost loved one while making a lasting impact for women and girls in Howard County for the future. We will inform those you wish to honor by email. And, we will announce your gift unless you ask us not to on our website and in our monthly eNewsletter. Thank you for considering a gift to the WGC this Mother's Day, In Her Honor. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers! ![]() May 7, 2020 The Scope of the WGC’s Emergency Response Network Has Been Extended to Address COVID-19 Needs In March 2020 the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County received a request from our partners at the Community Action Council (CAC) for $5,000 to help Head Start families in need through the Food Bank. Thanks to the generosity of many donors, we raised significantly more than the $5,000 we originally requested, and have provided $20,000 in emergency COVID-19 funding to date to CAC. “Once again, the women of our community have risen together to lead and offer real and in the moment solutions to a challenge faced by many of Howard County residents” said Bita Dayhoff, president of the Community Action Council, which runs the Howard County Food Bank. “The significant financial support from the WGC laid the ground for CAC to establish Pop-Up pantries which have become a sustained source of food to thousands Howard County residents.” The Community Action Council has seen a significant increase in demand for their services, with over 50% of those seeking assistance from the Food Bank being new clients. Over the last six weeks the CAC has served more than 12,000 individuals through regular Food Bank services and Pop-ups pantries in a number of communities, and they have delivered food to many families in need. “We have seen the sheer vulnerability of our community in the face of a major crisis … the need is wide and deep, and it touches at least one out of four of our Howard County who are in need of support in one way or another to be able to meet their most basic needs of food, shelter, energy and access to quality Early Childhood Education programming such as Head Start” said Dayhoff. “Over the past six weeks, CAC, in partnership with many other organizations, has served more than 12,000 individuals with food assistance.” The partnership between CAC and the community is important, as evidenced by one of many comments they have received: “You all are wonderful … going to a Food Bank can be a difficult trip for some families, but all of you make it an easy and kind experience. It’s a giving and generous atmosphere and that’s the best.” There are thousands of others who are served by the school system, the faith community, the newly formed advocacy groups, and many others who do not measure or report on their good deeds. “We are proud to be part of a community that is stepping up to support our friends and neighbors during this global pandemic” said Barb Van Winkle, chair of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. “We are utilizing our unique strengths as a giving circle to make a bigger difference together than we might otherwise make alone.” The WGC's Emergency Response Network was created over 15 years ago and is typically utilized for donations up to $1,000 to help an individual in need through our nonprofit partners. However, to address the escalating coronavirus public health crisis, we recently extended the scope of the ERN for a period of time to assist broader needs and more people in our community. Additionally, the WGC's Young Women's Giving Circle has sent a $750 check and dropped off products for women and girls as part of their recent Feminine Product Drive. “In order to do the most good during this unprecedented coronavirus public health crisis, we are leaving our Emergency Response Network request for the Community Action Council open” said Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, WGC Executive Director. “We appreciate the strong support from our community and will continue to send all donations directly to our partners at the CAC to address continuing food security issues in our community.” This is what #TogetherWeGive is all about.
Hannah Treger, a Senior at Wilde Lake High School (and going to University of Maryland, congratulations!) has a small business called @BoardsByHannah, making collage boards for rooms, dorms, and offices. Hannah wanted to do something on #GivingTuesdayNow with proceeds from her business, so she donated to the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County's Emergency Response Network request supporting Columbia Community Care. As Hannah said on her business page "I encourage everyone during this time, if you are healthy, and able, and want to help, to get involved." You are an inspiration Hannah - thank you! #BetheGood Today is #GivingTuesday - a global day of giving and unity - and Women's Giving Circle of Howard County Chair Barb Van Winkle and Executive Director Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz just delivered a big SUV jam-packed with $3,000+ worth of food and diapers to our partners at Columbia Community Care.
In the last month we’ve been able to deliver over $5,500 worth of supplies to support our friends and neighbors through CCC. Many thanks to so many of you who continue to give to the WGC to support our amazing nonprofit and community partners with emergency #COVID19 needs. #TogetherWeGive #GivingTuesdayNow In the last month we’ve been able to deliver over $5,500 worth of supplies to support our friends and neighbors through CCC because of the collective giving of so many. Not all acts of giving involve money - thanks to everyone who continues to give in so many ways to support our community. #TogetherWeGive Howard County Funders Announce $202,500 |